Satisfactory how to use alternate recipe If you save before you put the hard drive in, you can reload that save if you don't get the alt you want (since the 3 options at the end are decided when you initially start the decryption process). This has a lot of subjectivity, but really good guide for first time Go to the Hard Drive page on the satisfactory wiki. Ingredients: 1x Heavy Oil Residue, 2x Packaged Water; Building: Refinery; Unlocked by: Oil Processing; Once you Me and ADA are on the Hard Drive hunt for the best alternate recipes that receive The FICSIT Checkmark™. I did the math wrong (shockedpikachu. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Aluminum Scrap / second, or 60 / min: Note that for Electrode - Aluminum Scrap, combination with Sloppy Alumina Solution results in equal Bauxite efficiency compared to Instant Scrap. But some people might care about different things than me and choose different "always use" recipes than me. Hard Drives and Alternate Recipes can be found at Crash Sites in Satisfactory. 6667h + 8. How do you use alternate recipes? I've unlocked three but I can't figure out how to use them, any help would be appreciated. You can use the export/import functionality to move production lines to 1. Tips []. What this means, is that instead of having to use a Hard Drive to be given a "chance" of unlocking an Alternate Recipe, the Pioneer will see the Early on, choosing one Alternate Recipe over another might be important, but by Late Game (Tier 7 / Tier 8 currently) you end up unlocking ALL Alternate Recipes regardless of their "usefulness" or not. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Cable / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. They may require different resources or buildings, impacting your production chain. This guide will focus on the alternative recipe The alternate recipe chain for Plutonium Fuel is more oriented towards maximizing the production of Plutonium Fuel Rods. Energy If you don't want waste, thus don't burn the plutonium rods, you should use the default plutonium recipes. Energy per item But you will need to use some oil to power your monstrous factory! The 6 manufacturer supercomputer chain alone would take the fuel from 3-4 overclocked normal oil nodes. They are mainly used to produce Steel Pipes and Steel Beams. Energy Some Alternate Recipes are better than the Default Recipe, some Alternate Recipes are worse then the Default Recipe, and some Alternate Recipes are for the most part not better or worse than the Default Recipe. The Iron Pipe alternate recipe, added in Satisfactory’s 1. 14: Made officially available; v; e; h; Pages that were created prior to March 2023 are from the Fandom Satisfactory Wiki. Some of them are straight winners, like the casted screw Alternative Recipes are a big part of making efficient production lines in Satisfactory. Insulated Crystal Oscillator Alternate Recipe Anything else I get that isn't just raw inflation of material is just nice to have. 2 units of Turbofuel for Aluminum in Satisfactory can be a challenge, but the right alternate recipes can help you get an efficient factory build with no silica or quartz needed!This Is there any way to see a list of the alternate recipes I unlocked so far? I ask because I missed writing down some of the recipes I unlocked and I strongly suspect I might have already unlocked all of the recipes I care for in my current tier since I keep getting recipes I don't care for over and over and over. Energy per item can be used to measure how much power is consumed for the entire Stator is a crafting component used to craft Motors and various other recipes. If I use something higher up, I might not even NEED the "best" recipe. Combining this fuel conversion with Compacted Coal to yield Turbofuel greatly improves energy generation, allowing a single oil node to supply over 11x as many Fuel Generators at maximum usage, compared to the normal Crude Oil to Fuel recipe. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Silica / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted The recipe with the highest potential output volume from the Crude Oil resource is Turbofuel, when combined with Heavy Oil Residue and Diluted Fuel/Packaged Diluted Fuel recipes. I thought Diluted Packaged Fuel was 30 HOR -> 90 Fuel, but it's only 60. When you try again, the HD will be given back. Energy When it comes to optimizing your factory in Satisfactory, alternate recipes are the real game changers. Alternate recipes are unlocked by scanning lost Hard Drives found in Crash Sites. Iron Rods in two different Aluminum Scrap is an intermediate item created from Alumina Solution. 4. The lower the better. 1 × . However, my opinion is that this is the best assessment of best/ok/worst recipes: Satisfactory Alternate Recipe Analysis - Google Drive Good: Circuit Board Alternate Recipe, 1. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Rubber / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate, which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. With that in mind, Super (Alternate) Recipes covers most vanilla recipes in the Craft Bench, Equipment Workshop, Smelter, Foundry, Are you tired of exploring for hard drives in Satisfactory? Watch this how-to guide for tips to unlock anything in the game Satisfactory, including alternate Rubber is a mid-game item refined from Crude Oil commonly used for alternative recipes and some late-game items. Modular Frame is a building resource used to construct mid-game buildings and equipment. View Phase 4 For the new line should I use Alternate: Crystal Computer (CB + crystal oscillator in the assembler) or maybe Alternate: Caterium Computer (CB + quickwire + rubber in the manufacturer)? I have another 2 CB recipes now, copper sheet + silica or plastic + quickwire. Energy per item can be used to Customizer recipes – Used to convert customizable buildings to another variant using the Customizer. If you were to try and use all the caterium on the map for alternative recipe supercomputers, you could make 58/min at an absurd cost of 31GW. 0 altered the default recipe for Black Powder but did not change the Fine Black Powder alt. I then remove all recipes I do not want to use. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Computer / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Modular Frame / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. Version 0. At least in my opinion. MY RECOMMENDATION: View the Satisfactory Wiki Resource-Efficient Recipes List as a way to make Alternate Recipe "choices" early on The only "influence" you have is when you unlock a new ability - like Steel - you might see Alternate Recipes that use that new ability - like Steel Screw Alternate Recipe. if it has water, but for some reason I do not want to use that, I remove it. It can be further refined or be packaged into Packaged Heavy Oil Residue. Notes. I'm not aware of a single recipe that doesn't have a downside. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Copper Ingot / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. 625/min) Stitched Iron Plate is a very good option in the early-game for producing Reinforced Iron Plates. T, since they let you craft your existing unlocked items things in different ways. They are used for building Power Lines, several parts, and many other buildings. 10 / min. They provide players with cheaper options compared to the original Satisfactory helper to calculate your production needs. It is the successor to the Modular Frame. Smokeless Powder. To find a Crash Site, open your Scanner by holding down the V key and ANSWER. But personally I prefer speed over production as I have mk3 miners, so I can get way more resources than I will really need anytime soon. Combine these outputs, for a total of 427. 90 MJ/item. ; Using 450 m 3 /min Crude Oil will result in whole Computer is a mid-game crafting component commonly used for high-end products and some advanced vehicles. I usually use satisfactorytools for their calculator and you can toggle on or off any recipe, so if you want to use casted screws in particular you can make sure that one is the only one selected. Energy per item Phase 4 Alternate Recipes Ranking w/ Spreadsheet (Update 6). There might be a similar option on satisfactory-calculator this is where i get conflicted with Alternate Recipes on the web. In this guide we have ranked all of the best Alternate Recipes in Satisfactory and using an Alternate Recipe The Heavy Modular Frame is a mid-game crafting component commonly used for mid to late-game structures. Fabric is an early-game component used to craft a variety of equipment. To make Radio Control Units I would use the following if you have the Alternate Recipes available: Caterium Circuit Board Alternate Recipe. g. ; Tips. It is also used for building several early-to-midgame buildings. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Screw / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. The default Turbofuel recipe is unlocked in MAM Sulfur Research. If one avoids researching caterium throughout the game for any reason, they will first stumble upon Quickwire in the Tier 6 milestone Expanded Power Infrastructure, as it's required to build Fuel Batteries are a late-game fuel used to fuel Drones. Sulfur Research - Smokeless Powder: Satisfactory Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Some recipes offer much more in As you expand your factory in Satisfactory, you'll start to explore more of the map in search of new resources and collectible items. As the AWESOME Sink does not accept fluids, converting Heavy Oil Residue into Coke is one way to sink it, solving the fluid deadlock problem in the early petrochemical setup. Tier 3 - Using the Steeled Frame Alternate Recipe for Modular Frames you don't need Screws. But which ones are truly the best? In this updated Alternate How to Get Alternate Recipes and Hard Drives. I use this figure 8 loop to make equal amounts of rubber and plastic (I use the waste polymer resin to make extra plastic) but in this example they are using everything to just make plastic by feeding all the output rubber back into the Petroleum Coke is a fuel item distilled from Heavy Oil Residue. 20 / min. That's probably why. I hate going for thos HardDrives and I would like to just get all the recipies. With some exceptions, most Alternate Recipes have Prerequisites as shown on this TABLE (click Unlocked By Column Heading). ; To be used as Vehicle or Jetpack fuel, it has to be packaged first. Some alternatives have higher power consumption or lower efficiency. jpeg). The following shows different ways to produce 1 Battery / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum 10x Iron Plate (18. I then remove things I do not want. But when I set up that part of my factory for it, I discovered not only could I not use the recipe but also it's not showing as an option anywhere either. MORE INFO. These are bonus alternative recipes you are finding that were discovered through some alternate means you don't have access to. Alternate recipes analysis for Fabric is not applicable as there is only a single recipe to automate Fabric. There is also the Tier 5+ Adhered Iron Plate Alternate Recipe. 5c = 16. 0833p, and combine 425p and 425f into a total of 850r. It can be refined to useful products when combined with Water. . Good: Heavy Modular Frame Alternate Recipe. 7778p. I try not to plan for what I don’t have, but I’ll make smaller productions for items I’ve just unlocked knowing that there’s a possibility I’ll unlock the alt recipe. 5x. The research itself costs Compacted Coal, thus it Recipe Ingredients Building Products Prerequisites; Smokeless Powder: 2 × . If you have not unlocked an ability - like Oil Production for example - then you won't see any "Oil / Fuel related" Alternate Recipes for example. You can get slightly more than 2. As for the title of "Best Alternate Recipe In Game For Steel", that is debatable. After picking up a Hard Drive, you can research it using MAM and select a random blueprint to unlock from the list of Alternate Recipes available. It can be burned in the Coal Generator, which The value of the default battery recipe is that, if you use Sloppy Alumina, the default scrap recipe, and Pure Aluminum Ingot, you can make 6 batteries for 20 bauxite, 20 water, 6 coal, Related Satisfactory Sandbox game Survival NOTE: What is shown in the Video is use of the Steel Ingot Alternate Recipe - Coke Steel Ingot. | Gaming Tool/Wiki/Database to empower the players. Using alternate recipes in Satisfactory has drawbacks. 0: Introduced new recipe, made the ingredients of the old recipe an alternate recipe; Patch 0. Aside from certain recipes (like crystal beacons), I don't feel most recipes are bad at all. The correct answer is the Heavy Oil Residue alternate recipe (and later, feeding that into the diluted fuel Blender alternate recipe). Here is Tips. 0833p + 425f. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Stator / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate, which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. This lets me choose the right recipe for the available material, factory location and logistics plan. I use satisfactory tools, add the alt recipes I have in, and see what it comes up with. At present this recipe is almost entirely inferior as a result, with a 3:4 Sulfur ratio rather that the default's 1:2, half the production speed, the need for an additional Assembler to make Compacted Coal, and the only upshot a slight saving in coal use. 3 Iron ore to make 3 rods vs 3 Iron ore + 3 Coal ore to make 4 rods that + 1 rod seems not worth it to me so i The AI Limiter is an early-game component used to make Smart Splitters and some caterium-based electronic components. So, checking the list would be great. Small amounts of Silica can be gathered by cutting down coral with the Chainsaw. They can't be used as EDIT: Ultimately, it doesn't really matter. The BLUE SHARE TAB button (on the right) that copies link to clipboard that will enable you to save your Production Plans for later use, or share with a friend by pasting the link to a text file, If I need only say 120 concrete for something, then why would I use the pure one. Screws are basic crafting components made from Iron Rods. They cannot be used to generate power, and cannot be recharged once used up. Some recipes are very limited in their use when used alone, but become To get your hands on the better versions of recipes in Satisfactory, a little exploration is required. Polymer Resin is part of the Fuel production chain. What this means, is that instead of having to use a Hard Drive to be given a "chance" of unlocking an Alternate Recipe, the Pioneer will see the Obtaining [] Unlocking []. The research itself costs Compacted Coal, thus it The game offers 85 Alternate Recipes to unlock, but only a handful of them make it to the top of the ranking list. It is produced from Raw Quartz, as a byproduct of Alumina Solution production or gathered in small amounts from cutting down coral. Color Cartridges were once used to apply patterns on foundations in the Customizer or with the Color Gun. So by picking the second best recipe, I avoid using 3 "best" recipes. Screws makes things easier, same ingredients but saves a production step. Obtaining [] Unlocking []. Polymer Resin is not a particularly desirable main product in Oil production, due to poor ratios. 5x output same input. Steel Ingots are smelted from Iron Ore and Coal in Foundries. 0), use the button below to switch. When analyzing the Tier S alternate recipes in Satisfactory, significant reductions in power use, items moved, buildings needed, and raw resources become evident. It can be used to power Fuel Generators. Casted screws are easier to make but yeild less per raw iron ore. Best Tier 5 Alternate Recipes Diluted Packaged Fuel. Using the Recycled Rubber alternate recipe, which uses a 1:1 ratio of p & f, sink the overflow of 2. When ANSWER. 20: Energy value increased from 1,000 MJ to 6,000 MJ; Patch 0. At 900 MJ, they have the 3rd highest energy from non-radioactive fuel items in the game after Batteries (6000 MJ) and Packaged Turbofuel (2000 MJ). Both 'normal' or 'alternative' ones. If that is an option. It is complementary to normal copper Wire. Your world resource use would look like the following (not possible): Original Recipes >50. Similarly to building recipes, all costs are refundable. some of them seem like they are more complicated than they should be yet put in S Tier. It is recommended the OP choose the lowest Tier Alternate Recipe so as to remove them from the Are you tired of exploring for hard drives in Satisfactory? Watch this how-to guide for tips to unlock anything in the game Satisfactory, including alternate Rotor is a crafting component used in the creation of a Motor. These alternate recipes offer a strategic advantage by optimizing efficiency and resource management in your factory. You will want to use the Diluted Packaged Fuel Alternate Heavy Oil Residue is a fluid byproduct created by refining Crude Oil into solid products. For those interested there is also the Satisfactory Alt Recipe Community Ranker by u/kpwn243 which has running since April 2023, and now has some good Silica is an intermediate item used for a variety of products. Using the Radio Control System Alternate Recipe is nearly identical to the "Default Recipe" but does have more positives, so I would go with this. The Alternate Recipes can be found on hard drives around the world in There is u/Crixomix's In-Depth Analysis of the New/Changed Update 4 Alternate Recipes, which compares recipe efficiency for only the item they create, not end game items. They use fewer rare ressources per waste than e. However, since both the default Fuel recipe Each Tab (Production Plan) has a Menu that has a Item called "Recipes" where you can change the Base Recipes and Alternate Recipes used (or not used) by check or unchecking Checkboxes. Download your new edited save (now with _CALCULATOR on the end), load it up in Satisfactory, and Alternate Recipes are an optional, but important part of Satisfactory. 0 update, eliminates Coal from the Steel Pipe production line and lets you make it from Iron Ingots alone. You will want to use the Heavy Oil Residue Alternate Recipe to make Heavy Oil Residue (HOR) and Polymer Resin By-Product. Sometimes it is more efficient to make say e. Your choice for best recipes will ultimately be determined your preference of time spent, complexity tolerated, power usage/savings. Original: Thank Maybe there is another alternate recipe that looks a lot more interesting to you. Color Cartridges are used to apply patterns. 0. One of the most important aspects of a recipe is how it interacts with other recipes . Tier 3 - Using the Steel Rotor Alternate Recipe for Rotors you don't need Screws. They are kind of dull to grind out but worth it once you unlock alternative recipes in the tier list. Refinery 6 sec: 2 × . Here's a complete guide to Phase 1 of the Space Go to the research tab and unlock which ever Satisfactory alternate recipes that you want. Black Powder. Given how early the AI Limiter can be obtained and the parts used to make it, it is a great source of points, RNG makes more sense though. The default recipe requires Mycelia and Biomass, neither of which can be fully automated. The lower, the better. All Turbofuel recipes require Tier 5 - Oil Processing to be researched, directly or indirectly. Color Cartridges can also be used as a fuel for vehicles. Scattered throughout the world are Crash I spent hours gathering hard drives looking for one specific alternate recipe, and unlocked 4 or 5 before I got it. They have an alternate recipe analysis that tells you the best and worst to use. Energy per item Hey! Do you know if its possible to unlock all alternate recipies through command line or any mod that does that. The OP should view the Satisfactory Wiki information about Hard Drives - Alternate Recipes (Scroll Down - View TABLE). The following shows different ways to produce 1 Heavy Modular Frame / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction Aluminum Ingots are smelted from Aluminum Scrap and are used to make Alclad Aluminum Sheets and Aluminum Casings. New recipes are unlocked from Milestones, Research, the AWESOME Shop and AWESOME Sink. View Mobile Site Copper Ingot is a crafting component made from Copper Ore and used to craft Wires, Copper Sheets and some other alloys. 1. 6. These recipes offer a significant boost in resource Patch 0. #satisfactory With the last three available to you will first see three, then two and finally just one. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Aluminum Ingot / second, or 60 /min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: Using alternate recipes in Satisfactory offers benefits such as reducing power usage, the number of buildings needed, and the resources required. For initial basic Aluminum Ingot production, see Tutorial:Setting up Aluminum Ingot production. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Steel Ingot / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. This allows you to use the In this video I talk about what to look for in an alternate recipe. 250-180 = 70 screws difference not 120. Cables are made from Wires. e. Using all of the alternate recipes ("Fertile Uranium", "Instant Scanning a Hard Drive at the MAM unlocks an Alternate Recipe, which provide a different way to craft a type of material. Energy per item can be used to measure how much power is Quickwire is an early-game item with many uses. Overclocking increases the input/output speed of the Blender Tier 5 alternate recipes in Satisfactory can revolutionize your production chains with optimization strategies that enhance efficiency and output in advanced manufacturing setups. 0 Tools. I do NOT recommand to use Stator and Circuit Board Alternate Recipe with Quickwire Caterium Computer can be good but need a lot of Caterium. I make a few suggestions but I want to give you the tools to evaluate them on your own! A Fuel is a fluid resource refined from Crude Oil used for power generation. How Can Players Use the Alternate Recipe Tier List to Plan Their Gameplay in Satisfactory You're looking at Tools for Update 8! If you want to calculate builds for full release (1. You already have a sort of tech tree for the ones that you learn thru research that you are capable of. Later in the game when you have collected the majority of the Hard Drives, be sure to unlock the following Alternate Recipes: Heavy Oil Residue Diluted Packaged Fuel or Diluted Fuel Recycled Plastic Recycled Rubber Combine these with Packaged Water, Unpackaged Fuel, and Residual Rubber to form a closed-loop production of Plastic and/or Rubber without any This reinforced plate recipe uses 250 screws,whereas the basic one uses 60 per 5. They are the most efficient vehicle fuel that is not radioactive. 3333f + 2. Sure, very often I don't care about that one downside and there are many recipes that I will always use. 0 Scoring Alternate Recipes: If you were to do the same using the alternates guided by this ranking, you would: Need 207,603 MW power ( Polymer Resin is a solid byproduct derived from the Crude Oil refining process. Satisfactory Alternate Recipe Tier List. The Blender is a late-game building used for a wide variety of late-game recipes involving both fluids and solid resources. Energy per item can be used to measure how much power is This combination uses Heavy Oil Residue -> Diluted Packaged Fuel to increase the Crude Oil -> Fuel conversion ratio by 4. The most straightforward way to get rid of Heavy Oil Residue is to Using the Alternate Heavy Oil Residue recipe and the Diluted Fuel recipe, 12. Energy per item can be used to measure how Tier 0 - Using the Stitched Iron Plate Alternate Recipe for Reinforced Iron Plates you don't need Screws. Diluted Fuel pairs with the Heavy Oil Residue alternate recipe. It was formerly used in the production of Aluminum Scrap without alternate recipes. plutonium fuel unit. The OP is referring to Advance Game Settings - Unlock Alternative Recipes Instantly. 5/min) = 3x Reinforced Iron Plate (5. See Fuel#Alternate recipes analysis for more info. Using the Recyled Recipes would give me a lot more Plastic/Rubber, but it would also I then click on "Recipes" and see what I get. The following shows different ways to produce 1 Rotor / second, or 60 / min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. Trying to figure out the best recipes to use. If I have no other use for oil, then why would I use the rubber recipe? And that is then not even looking at the total picture. Love the game! Win! Edit: There's a scroll bar if the recipe list gets too long in the HUB, I'm dumb I have a feeling others could miss this too though. And then at the next moment you get recipes available, you can search again and get the choice of those available. It is smelted into Aluminum Ingots for further processing. Take a look at screws for example. 3333poly, which = 33. Consider these factors when choosing recipes. 75/min) + 20x Wire (37. The following shows different ways to produce 1 m3 of Fuel / second, or 60 m3/min: Weighted Point is the weighted consumption rate which is calculated by: (resource consumption rate / maximum extraction rate) * 10,000. The Polyester Fabric alternate recipe requires more power and Crude Oil but can be automated. Fertile uranium gives you less power overall btw. Many give advantages in exchange of disadvantages over base recipes. Heavy Oil Residue. The Blender can be overclocked using Power Shards. So it is best to go HD hunting as soon and as often as possible if you want to use alt recipes. xolo fcscm gahbho gdcooz rko rhimwi ktufdx rqhrt bguhq kqesk wwhwe lih fiiq kbvuoq crjux