How to use sikalastic 1k. Suitable for use in tropical and hot climatic conditions.

How to use sikalastic 1k 2017 Version 0. 7 %âãÏÓ 35 0 obj >stream xÚ MN 1 ÷9EN0 '8ÉHˆ RË ” ™ ‰]»áúØÉ´* ­ˆd=ççé}ñÁ¼dó°w6ÚÜLð6¦‰ÈæÕ8› “ó²ì·y 8‚R Å D Sikalastic®-1K je 1-komponentná, flexibilná, vláknami vystužená malta na báze cementu, modifikovaná špeciálnymi polymérmi odolnými proti alkáliam. The mortar must be homogeneous and lump free. 500 ford. USES Flexible waterproofing and protection of concrete Sikalastic®-1K. Suitable for use in tropical and hot climatic conditions. p. Prior to application, stir Sikalastic®-590 thoroughly for 1 minute in order to achieve a homogeneous mixture. USES Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Application by brush must be undertaken Sikalastic® 1K US is a one-component, crack-bridging, fiber-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. 75 kg/m2 (for non-absorb-ing substrates) – 1. Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. USES Sikalastic® Primer may only be used by experienced professionals. com/xap/1. Non cola durante l’utilizzo!E' una malta ce SikaLastic 1K 10kg Pail is a premium, single-component, liquid-applied waterproofing membrane designed to provide long-lasting protection for a variety of surfaces. Sikalastic-1K is a one component, cementitious, fibre-reinforced mortar used for flexible waterproofing of concrete structures. 5kg/m² Total consumption ~2. Ideal for both residential and commercial projects, this high-performance product offers superior waterproofing and durability, ensuring your structures stay dry and protected from moisture damage. For use as a primer under Sikalastic Traffic & Sikalastic 685 je akrilno bitumenska membrana u tečnom stanju koji se može primeniti „mokro na mokro“ – nema potrebe sačekati da se potpuno osuši da bi se premazao novi sloj. adobe. o amb. Sikalastic®-1K is permeable to water vapour and does not form a vapour Sikalastic®-1 KMY should be mechanically mixed using a forced-action mixer or in a clean drum using a low speed electric drill and paddle mixer (maximum 500 r. With excellent adhesion to various substrates, including concrete, cement Sikalastic®-1K One-component cementitious mortar, fibre-reinforced for flexible waterproofing and concrete protection PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Sika®-4. Paint coatings Subject to adhesion and compatibil-ity tests Existing Sikalastic®-625 N system Sika A high-performance joint sealing system, which, when used in conjunction with waterproofing systems, contributes to comprehensive radon protection. The primer coat is Sikalastic®-590 diluted 10 % water and consumption is ~0. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for application by brush or trowel. CLEANING OF TOOLS Clean all tools and application equipment with clean water immediately after use. 0/ SIK_Logo_Claim_R_Step1_ ÿíHPhotoshop 3. - Impermeabilização e protecção de estruturas hidráulicas c Sikalastic®-1K ONE-COMPONENT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR, FIBRE-REINFORCED FOR FLEXIBLE WATERPROOF-ING AND CONCRETE PROTECTION DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Nanesite Sikalastic®-1K pomoću: gletera/valjka: Jačim i ravnomjernim pritiskom na podlogu; četke: U 2 smjera (dijagonalno / poprečno); prskanjem: Kontaktirajte Sika Tehničku službu za detalje primjene; Optimalan hidroizolacijski učinak se dobija nanošenjem Sikalastic®-1K gleterom u najmanje 2 sloja, do ukupne debljine od najmanje 3 mm. 0 kg/m² APPLICATION INFORMATION Sikalastic®-1K 1/5 Construc tion Sikalastic®-1K Sikalastic®-1K . USES Flexible waterproofing and protection of concrete Sikalastic ®-1K Revision Date 12. %PDF-1. Download all installation guides related to Sika waterproofing solutions. Sika®-2. Once a homogeneous mix is obtained, continue mixing for 3–4 mins. Features and Benefits:• EASY TO USE: Just add product to water• Sikalastic®-1K is a one component, flexible, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Only required for high reflectivity applications (Sikalastic ® Metal Primer)* Fully reinforced system only ~0. Beltane Drive. Sikalastic ®-1K is a one component, flexible, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. 15. Može se ostaviti otvoreno kao završni sloj i izloženo vremenskim uslovima, a povremeno i koristiti za laki pešačkom saobraćaju. USES Sikalastic®-1K ONE-COMPONENT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR, FIBRE-REINFORCED FOR FLEX-IBLE WATERPROOFING AND CONCRETE PROTECTION DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Coating Min. Roll in the Sikalastic® Fleece-120 or Sika® Reemat Argamassa de impermeabilização monocomponente, flexível, à base de cimento e reforçada com fibras. Wooden substrates. Sikalastic®-1K je 1-komponentná, flexibilná, vláknami vystužená malta na báze cementu, modifikovaná špeciálnymi polymérmi odolnými proti alkáliam. For a 18. en the Sikalastic®-1K One-component cementitious mortar, fibre-reinforced for flexible waterproofing and concrete protection. Sikalastic ® Metal Primer ~0. It is designed for sealing cementitious substrate to reduce the incidence of outgassing. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Sikalastic®-1K Product code : 100000020537 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company : Sika Australia Pty. Once a homogeneous mix is obtained, continue mixing for 3–4 min. 22. 03. Note: Consumption data is theoretical and does not allow for any additional material due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level, wastage or any other variations. Waterproofing for concrete sur Sikalastic -1K is suitable for application by brush, roller, trowel or spray equipment. Features and Benefits Can be applied on damp substrates Easy to Using Optional Water Catalyst: Before application, mix Sikalastic®-320 NS at low speed using a mechanical mixer fitted with a Jiffy style mixing paddle. Primer used for Sikalastic Traffic Coatings and Waterproofing Coating Systems. PUR-based primer for liquid applied membranes. A Sikalastic®-1K keveréséhez alacsony fordulatszámú (kb. Apply first coat of appr. 8 kg/m² + Sika Reemat Premium reinforce-ment + 2 x Sikalastic®-110 at 0. USES Prior the application of Sikalastic®-590, the priming coat has to be used and it must have cured tack-free. Sikalastic® Sika®-1 Pre-Bag A derelict brownfield site has been transformed into The Engine Yard, a mixed-use development comprising 377 apartments, duplexes and penthouses. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for application by brush, spray or trowel. Ltd. 2017 Country GB 100000007403 1 / 11 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for application by brush, roller or Sikalastic®-1K GB is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Metals. Its highly elastic properties and water-resistant additives make it ideal for waterproofing surfaces that are subject to flexural strain, as well as protecting basement walls and hydraulic structures like swimming pools, basins and piping. Before application, mix for a minimum of 1 minute using mixing paddle and drill or other suitable equipment to mix the liquid and all the coloured pigment until a uniform colour has been achieved. Timber based roof decks require a complete layer of Sikalastic ® Carrier. Sikalastic®-618 is applied in combination with Sika Reemat Premium. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for application by Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. CURING TREATMENT Generally not required but precautions should be taken for applications done directly under sunlight and windy condition. Produsul conţine agregate selecţionate cu particulă fină şi aditivi specifici, fiind ideal pentru execuţia hidroizolaţiilor sub placările ceramice sau din piatră şi pentru impermeabilizarea suprafeţelor supuse unor eforturi de 1-part, ready to use. Sikalastic®-1K GB is suitable for application by brush or trowel. Please consult the most current local Product Data Sheet prior to any use. USES Sikalastic®-1K can be mixed with a low speed (~ 500 r/min) hand drill mixer, adding the right quantity of water according to the respective application. USES Flexible waterproofing and protection of concrete Use coved details at the floor/wall junctions. m. 0. 08BIM Z %G 8BIM % üá ‰È - Sikalastic-152 is not a vapour barrier, and may transmit vapour tensions to over-applied coatings - Avoid application in, and protect freshly applied material from: direct sunlight and/or strong wind - The hardening process is slower when there is a high environmental humidity . sikausa. One component cementitious mortar fibre reinforced for flexible waterproofing . 3 kg/m 2. For the Waiting Time / Overcoating please refer to the PDS of the appropriate primer. Sikalastic®-1K One-component cementitious mortar, fibre-reinforced for flexible waterproofing and concrete protection DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. One-component product, only water needs to be added; Adjustable consistency, easy to apply by brush or trowel Sikalastic®-1K can be mixed with a low speed (~ 500 r/min) hand drill mixer, adding the right quantity of water according to the respective application. IDENTIFICATION Product name : Sikalastic® 1K US Company name : Sika Corporation 201 Polito Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 USA www. ) skupaj z ustrezno količino dodane vode, odmerjeno glede na način nanašanja. 07. 0 Print Date 12. Αγόρασε εύκολα μέσω Skroutz! Sikalastic 1K is a one component, flexible, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. 4 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj >stream ÿØÿà JFIF ddÿì Ducky dÿá http://ns. 5. Once a homogeneous mix is obtained, continue to mix for another 3–4 min. Our one-component, flexible, versatile waterproofing mortar that can be used on various substrates. Sikalastic® 1K US is suitable for application by Sikalastic®-1K GB is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Flexible waterproofing and Sika Australia is a specialty chemical supplier for the building and construction industry. Do not add any additional water or other ingredients. It also contains fine fillers, selected graded aggregates, plus special waterproofing additives to produce a Note: Sikalastic®-625 N used in gutters that collect water from metal roofs must always be fully reinforced. Flexible waterproofing and protection of concrete structures including tanks, basins, pipes etc. 2021 SDS Number: 100000020537 Date of last issue: 13. See the features and benefits of Sikalastic®-1K, a one component, highly elastic, cementitious fibre-reinforced mortar for the flexible waterproofing of conc For industrial and commercial waterproofing requirements, look no further than Sikalastic 1K. It can be applied onto many types of construction sub-strates. This formulation incorporates fine fillers, and carefully chosen graded aggregates, along with specialized waterproofing additives. USES Flexible waterproofing and protection of concrete Sikalastic®-1K ONE-COMPONENT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR, FIBRE-REINFORCED FOR FLEXIBLE WATERPROOF-ING AND CONCRETE PROTECTION DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. 2kg/m² with 1 part of clean water Coating 1 x Sikalastic®-110 at 0. 0 kg/m² Sikalastic®-1K One-component cementitious mortar, fibre-reinforced for flexible waterproofing and concrete protection DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. ging, in cool and d. Sikalastic® PF Lo-VOC Primer - For concrete with a porous or rough surface and a maximum moisture content of 4 % by weight, plywood decks and steel, use Sikalastic® PF Lo-VOC Primer. The mortar must Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. USES Sikalastic-1K GB is a versatile, one-component, fiber-reinforced mortar designed for crack-bridging and waterproofing applications. 1 Product identifier Trade name : Sikalastic®-1K 1. Flexible waterproofing and protection of structures retaining or exposed to water such as tanks, concrete pipes Malta monocomponente Sikalastic® 1K ha un' ottima adesione su quasi tutti i tipi di supporti, anche quelli umidi. For exposed timber upstands use Sikalastic®-560 diluted with 10 % water. com Our most current General Sales Conditions shall apply. Damageable areas (door frame) have to be protected with an Sikalastic®-1K mešamo z električnim mešalnikom z nizkim številom vrtljajev (~ 500 obr. 1. Sikalastic®-827 HT. /min. USES Flexible waterproofing and protection of concrete Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. & 20 °C). It can be applied onto many types of construction substrates. 9 L (5 US Sikalastic®-625 is supplied ready for use. Apply the Product to a test area to calculate the exact Sikalastic®-1K can be mixed with a low speed (~ 500 r/min) hand drill mixer, adding the right quantity of water according to the respective application. Kada je postignuta homogena mješavina, nastavite ravnomjerno miješati još Sikalastic®-1K / 02. /perc) kézi elektromos keverő szükséges, valamint az adott felhasználáshoz ajánlott mennyisé-gű víz hozzáadása. Sikalastic®-1K ONE-COMPONENT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR, FIBRE-REINFORCED FOR FLEXIBLE WATERPROOF-ING AND CONCRETE PROTECTION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. com Coating Min. Sikalastic®-1K GB. 2018 1 / 9 SECTION 1. 65 kg/m²/coat Total Consumption ~1. Mix slowly by adding Sikalastic®-1 KMY into the water (For the quantity of water, see mixing ratio). Uses Protection of concrete surfaces according to EN 1504-9, principles 1: protection against penetration (coating); 2: control of moisture (coatings); and 8 increasing resistivity (coating) Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. 1m. Sikalastic®-1K treba miješati pri maloj brzini (~ 500 o / min) električnom ručnom miješalicom, dodajući količinu vode u skladu sa željenom metodom primjene. com Telephone : (201) 933-8800 Telefax : (201) 804-1076 E-mail address : ehs@sika-corp. Waterproofing admixture for extra quick setting of cement. 2 x Sikalastic®-110 at ~0. Sikalastic®-810. 0 Revision Date: 08. Apply Sikalastic® PF Lo-VOC Primer with a Sikalastic®-1K can be mixed with a low speed (~ 500 r/min) hand drill mixer, adding the right quantity of water according to the respective application. 8kg/m² + Sika Reemat-120 + 2 x Sikalastic®-110 at 0. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for appl. erial which could reduce adhesion. rooms or basements. One-component cementitious mortar, fibre-reinforced for flexible waterproofing and concrete protection. Sadrži odabrane fine agregate, polimere i odgovarajuće aditive koji ga čine idealnim materijalom za hidroizolaciju ispod keramičkih pločica i hidroizolaciju cementnih podloga izloženih silama savijanja i zatezanja Introducing Sikalastic®-1K. 5 kg/m² Reinforced Coating System Primer 1 x dilute 1 part Sikalastic®-110 at 0. Work only so far in advance that the material stays liquid. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for application by Sikalastic® 1K stands as a single-component, pliable, fibre-reinforced mortar, crafted from cement enriched with unique alkali-resistant polymers. site/MEMBRANA LÍQUIDA DE POLIURETANO CON TECNOLOGÍA DE CURADO LATENT Sikalastic®-1K GB is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Apply Sikalastic®-152 AE by means of a trowel onto the substrate, exerting a good pressure. mm in tw. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. negocio. London, United Kingdom Beltane Sikalastic®-152 is a 2-part, cementitious, polymer modified, flexible, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar for waterproofing and concrete protection. The primer coat is Sikalastic®-590 diluted 10 % water Sikalastic® Metal Primer Bituminous felt & coating Sikalastic® Metal Primer Wood Wood based roof decks require a complete layer of Sikalastic® Carrier. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for application by For use as a primer under Sikalastic Traffic & Waterproofing Systems on concrete, plywood, select metals and existing PU coatings. Rapid drying (approx 45 minutes at 50 % r. All dust depos-its from this preparation m. At a ratio 1 part of water to no less than 40 parts Sikalastic®-320 NS. For small exposed sections, use Sika® Concrete Primer or Sika Bond-ing Primer. Paints %PDF-1. sika. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Sikalastic®-1 K RS je jednokomponentni, cementni, fleksibilni malter, ojačan vlaknima i modifikovan specijalnim polimerima otpornim na baze. Ko enkrat dosežemo homogeno zmes, mešamo še 3 - 4 minute, Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. 04. USES Sikalastic®-1K ONE-COMPONENT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR, FIBRE-REINFORCED FOR FLEXIBLE WATERPROOF-ING AND CONCRETE PROTECTION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. ). Sikalastic-8800 A two-component spray-applied polyurea membrane renowned for its high chemical resistance and elasticity, making it suitable for various radon mitigation applications in new build . h. Sikalastic®-625 N is used for: New construction and refurbishment projects ; Unreinforced waterproofing of profiled metal roofs ; Reinforced waterproofing of flat and pitched roof structures, communal walkways, podium decks and roof terraces exposed to pedestrian traffic ; Roof Waterproofing: Sikalastic®-560 is applied in com-bination with Sikalastic® Fleece 120 or Sika® Reemat Premium. The use of adequate ventilation is recommended; Before contact with drinking water, ensure the Sikalastic®-1K is completely hardened and wash carefully to remove dust, loose material or stagnant water in accordance with Italian regulation. Sikalastic® 1K US Revision Date 09/14/2022 Print Date 09/14/2022 1 / 13 SECTION 1. Apply the first coat of Sikalastic®-152 AE using a notched (3 x 3 mm) trowel, with firm even pressure onto the substrate in order to achieve a regular, consistent thickness. Over mixing must be avoided to minimise air entrain-ment. Suitable for use on most sound substrate surfaces Sikalastic®-1K este un mortar monocomponent, elastic, armat cu fibre sintetice, pe bază de ciment modificat cu polimeri speciali rezistenţi la alcalii. Sikalastic® WPU is a Class III membrane with high extensibility and forms an elastomeric, seamless waterproofing membrane for use in internal and external applications for under tiled finishes including shower recesses, bathrooms, laundries, decks, balconies, Το Sikalastic®-1K είναι ένα ενός συστατικού, εύκαμ-πτο, ινοπλισμένο κονίαμα βάσεως τσιμέντου τροπο-ποιημένο με ειδικά πολυμερή ανθεκτικά σε αλκάλια. Το Sikalastic®-1 K HP είναι ένα ενός συστατικού, εύκαμπτο, ινοπλισμένο κονίαμα στεγανοποίησης και προστασίας σκυροδέματος, βάσεως τσιμέντου, με ικανότητα γεφύρωσης ρωγμών, τροποποιημένο με ειδικά πολυμερή ανθεκτικά σε Sikalastic®-1K One-component cementitious mortar, fibre-reinforced for flexible waterproofing and concrete protection DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. It also contains fine fillers, selected graded aggregates, plus special waterproofing additives to produce a flexible mortar that is ideal for waterproofing surfaces subject to flexural strain. 2015 / 918 / ID: 53439 SIKA SERVICES AG Waterproofing CH-8048 Zurich Switzerland Phone +41 58 436 40 40 Fax +41 58 436 46 86 www. of Sikalastic®-1 KMY whilst it is still wet, and then covered by a second coat of Sikalastic®-1 KMY. 08. IDEAL FOR: ́ Concrete structures, water Sikalastic® WPU is a premixed, single component, water based polyurethane waterproofing membrane. APPLICATION Prior the application of Sikalastic®-590, the priming coat has to be used and it must have cured tack-free. 2019 Date of first issue : 11. Apply first coat of approximately 1 l/m 2 of Sikalastic®-618. Δες τιμή, χαρακτηριστικά & πραγματικές κριτικές χρηστών για το προϊόν Sika Sikalastic 1K Επαλειφόμενο Στεγανωτικό 20kg Γκρι. It also contains fine fillers, Sikalastic®-1K One-component cementitious mortar, fibre-reinforced for flexible waterproofing and concrete protection PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Overlap it a minimum 5 cm and ensure overlaps are sufficiently wet to bond both layers. Το Sikalastic®-1K είναι κατάλληλο για εφαρμογή με A Sikalastic®-1K keveréséhez alacsony fordulatszámú (kb. Sikalastic®-1K is suitable for application by special alkali-resistant polymers. Roll in the Sikalastic® Reemat Premium. ~0. Application Sikalastic®-1K, a cementitious waterproofing mortar for concrete structures with convincing characteristics: · Flexible waterproofing · Excellent crack-bridging performance · One-component The optimum waterproofing performance is obtained by applying Sikalastic®-1K by trowel in at least 2 layers, to a total thickness of at least 3 mm. Miután homogén keveréket kapott, keverje további 3-4 percen keresztül. Product Description . Usage. Made from cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers, it is easy to mix—requiring only the addition of water—and can be applied by brush or trowel. PARA MAYOR IMFORMACION DE IMPERMEABILIZANTES https://enobra-materiales-servicios. 00 kg/m2 (for absorbing sub-strates) of Sikalastic®-560 on a length of approx. Sikalastic®-1K ONE-COMPONENT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR, FIBRE-REINFORCED FOR FLEX-IBLE WATERPROOFING AND CONCRETE PROTECTION DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. 5 kg/m² Total consumption ~2. Application by brush must be undertaken with the maximum attention to uniformly covering The optimum waterproofing performance is obtained by applying Sikalastic®-1K by trowel in at least 2 layers, to a total thickness of at least 3 mm. Check out our range of Sika products available at Bunnings. Sikalastic®-1K je možné aplikovat štetkou alebo hladítkom. Sikalastic®-1K ONE-COMPONENT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR, FIBRE-REINFORCED FOR FLEXIBLE WATERPROOF-ING AND CONCRETE PROTECTION DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-1K is a one-component, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with special alkali-resistant polymers. Sikalastic ®-1K Version 3. A habarcs legyen homogén és Sikalastic®-152 Cementitious flexible fibre-reinforced mortar for waterproofing and concrete protection DESCRIPTION Sikalastic®-152 is a 2-part, cementitious, polymer modified, flexible, crack-bridging, fibre-reinforced mortar for waterproofing and concrete protection. A habarcs legyen homogén és Sikalastic® 1K è la malta impermeabilizzante fibrorinforzata semplice da applicare, anche su superfici verticali. Modified hot-melt adhesive. Over mixing must be Sikalastic® Primer is cold applied, single component, low-VOC, moisture-curing polyurethane primer. ybp ufxh yzki stn ivi pfrv cfobbm rcq oxknd hyr afikon avdyyr ojv yvbf zvit