Hernando county website Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating residential MEDIA RELEASE February 14, 2025. Born and raised in Hernando County, Doug graduated from Hernando High School in 1995 with High Honors, where he was a member of the BETA Club and the National Honor Society. Brooksville, FL 34604. Late Bus Report (opens in new window); District Bell Schedule (opens in new window); Bus Stop Locator (opens in new window); Bus Stop Request/Change Form (opens in new window); Emergency Information and School Bus Rules for Students (opens in new window); Field Trip Forms (Internal Use Only) MEDIA RELEASE February 14, 2025. Applications must be complete and notarized, if applicable. FSE Scholarship Opportunity; Vote in Honor of a Vet; School Elections & Education Denise LaVancher, Supervisor of Elections, Hernando County OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604 PHONE: (352) 754-4125 FAX: (352) 754-4425 EMAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8:00a. Office of Management & Budget 15470 Flight Path Dr. The Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services to a population of approximately 186,000, including the City of Brooksville. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating residential The library’s collection is fully funded under the provisions of the State Aid to Libraries Grant program, administered by the Florida Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services. Office (352) 540-6426 Cell (352) 277-1069 MEDIA RELEASE February 14, 2025. HernandoCounty. Visit Florida's Adventure Coast - DISCOVER NATURE’S PLACE TO PLAY™ Brooksville and Weeki Wachee offer authentic experiences of the Sunshine State at its natural best. Hernando County, FL Home Menu. Type: Public. 95 convenience fee applied during checkout. 68 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. Written requests are also accepted; however, all requests must include the voter's date of birth, Florida driver's license number/Florida ID and/or last four digits of SSN, signature, and Hernando County residence address. Connect. If you suspect you are a victim of fraud, contact the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office at 352-754-6830. February 12, 2025. This is an increase of Contact. Skip to content. The county government asked for a long-term increase that would expire in 30 years. Email. *The daily report is not currently accurate as we are updating our shelter occupancy for the period of time that systems were down due to the Countywide Network Interruption. MAIN MENU MAIN MENU. 9220 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill Florida United States (Hernando County). 22) Fee Schedule (01-01-2025) Fee Schedule Resolution (01-01-2025) Impact Fee Notice (Effective 12-02-2024) Hernando County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, gender, orientation, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, pregnancy, disability, or any other protected characteristic as defined by law. The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. Hernando County and the Hernando County Clerk of Court assume no liability for the provision of this free service. 68 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Hernando County. Emails sent to the Board of County Commissioners/Hernando County Government are subject to public records laws and as such are not considered private. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Spring Hill Branch Library -- Hernando County, FL. Contact Information Main Office – (352) 796-1425 Energy Assistance – (352) 796-1425 Head Start – (352) 754-2464 Children’s Advocacy Center – (352) 754-8809 Paratransit Transportation – The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. The Hernando County Fine Arts Council proudly presents the 40th Annual Art in the Park, a landmark celebration of fine art, craftsmanship, and community, taking place on March 8 from 10 AM to 5 PM and March 9 from 10 AM to 4 PM at Tom Varn Park in Brooksville, Florida. Student Representative takes his seat. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds Hernando County Animal Services Temporarily Closed December 23-31, 2024, as Animal Services Transitions to the Hernando County Sheriff's Office (Brooksville, FL) – Effective January 01, 2025, the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office will take over day to day operations of Hernando County Animal Services. 68 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Hernando County, also known as Florida's Adventure Coast, is the geographic center of the state. Please submit completed applications for emergency permitting due to Hurricane Helene using the following email: EmergencyPermits@HernandoCounty. 68 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce. The cyberattack that occurred late last month on the Hernando County Government IT network resulted in major interruptions to real estate professionals and others *Note: Have your renewal notice and your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) ready. Bar #108545. S. Frequently Asked MEDIA RELEASE Brooksville - Hernando County School District has a new employee on th Read Post Canine unit joins Hernando School District’s SRO program. Out of County waste is not accepted. The Hernando County Property Appraiser's office, furthermore assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of this public information data. Watch Us Live. The Board of County Commissioners is the chief legislative body in Hernando County. Phone (352) 754-4112. Because MyFloridaCounty. PROCLAMATION NO. 2024-07 Declaration of State of Local Emergency, has been enacted by the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating The Hernando County Property Appraiser's office will not be held liable as to the validity, correctness, accuracy, completeness, and/or reliability of this data (which includes maps). We are pleased to be part of the MyFloridaCounty. Phone (352) 754-4013 Fax (352)754-4025 HernandoCountyWebsite. All watering must be completed before 8am or after 6pm on the assigned day. Online payment also accepted by credit card, Apple/Google Pay, or PayPal for a fee. Click here for the approved 2025 Board of County Commissioners Meeting Schedule and 2025 Holiday Calendar. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds 55-gallon Rain Barrels cost $66. Monday through Friday. Printable Calendar Monthly; Monthly Membership Meeting- January 2025. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds The Zoning Division administers the county's zoning codes, reviews site plans for residential and commercial building and zoning permits, 2024, the Hernando County Development Services Department will resume normal business hours: HOURS OF OPERATION. Contact Us. 1. Project Showcase. The half-cent sales tax and one mil on property taxes for the Hernando County School District passed. Website Design by Hernando County, FL Home Menu. 68 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government MEDIA RELEASE February 14, 2025. You must agree to the Data Disclaimer Agreement before accessing the Property Search page, which states that the data is not guaranteed to be The Public Information Office uses a multimedia approach to provide accurate, relevant and timely information to the public about Hernando County events, news, programs To access meeting agendas, minutes and videos, you can easily visit www. Term expires: November 2026. . A. As of the 2020 census, the population was 194,515. Menu. com: Animal Services (352) 796-5062: AC@HernandoCounty. Vote-by-Mail ballots are considered non-forwardable mail, so make sure your address is up to date with the Elections Office. If you dispute a lien that has been recorded against your property, contact the lien filer. , Brooksville, FL 34613. 15470 Flight Path Dr. state of Florida. Hours Of Operation Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Learner's Permit . Compost bins are available to Hernando County Residents free of charge with attendance of the compost bin portion of the workshop. [1] Its county seat is Brooksville, [2] and its largest Hernando County Government recently experienced an interruption of the county-wide IT network. Hernando County School District Welcome to MyHernandoCounty. us. 2024-06 for Hurricane Helene. Monthly Membership Meeting- April 2025; All forms are in Adobe PDF format . us: Elected: November 8, 2022 . 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds Hernando County is located on the West coast of Central Florida. com. Reset Filter. Randy Mazourek brings over 30 years of experience in the private sector, coupled with a deep understanding of This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. Brooksville, FL 34614. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating residential Hernando County Courthouse 20 N Main St Rm 335 Brooksville, FL 34601-2817. Northwest Solid Waste Management Facility (Main Landfill) 14450 Landfill Rd. 68 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Where can I obtain information regarding permitting, zoning, utilities, schools and other services that are associated with my property? The library’s collection is fully funded under the provisions of the State Aid to Libraries Grant program, administered by the Florida Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services. The location is ideal to start or expand a business. The Board meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 9 a. Please refer to the information below for examples of materials accepted at each facility. Dominique Holmes Public Information Officer. West Hernando Convenience Center Application Fee Notice; Current Fee Schedule (Effective 10. PO Box 1900 Brooksville, FL 34605-1900. us Emergency building permit forms are available on the Hernando County Government website by visiting www. December 11, 2024. About Us. NEWS & EVENTS. The entire community, both residents and businesses, play The meeting is set for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Hernando County Utilities Department Training Room, located at 15365 Cortez Blvd. The libraries will open on Hernando Site Map; Hurricane Update; Programs. Our third-party vendor, PaymentExpress®, charges this fee. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating Photos of Hernando County landmarks Hernando County, FL Home Menu. For more information, click here. Lobby Hours: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM . Hernando County is already at a one-day-a-week watering schedule and has been since July of 2010. Office: 352-540-6655 [email protected] Joseph M Mason Jr. A public meeting will be held to provide an opportunity for community members to learn more about the Introducing Randy Mazourek as the New Hernando County Property Appraiser. us MEDIA RELEASE February 14, 2025. com The Hernando County Sheriff's Office is committed to responding to the needs of the citizens of Hernando County. Hernando County Strategic Planning Hernando County is embarking on a yearlong, three phased, process to develop a vision for the County and a strategic plan to make that vision a reality. While the county government’s one-cent sales tax for law enforcement, public safety, and transportation did not pass. Hernando County Courthouse. Online Government for Hernando County, Florida. Our mission is to maintain peace and order, safeguard life and property, and protect individual rights through We Have Re-Opened to the Public for All Services! Thank you for always being so kind and helpful!! Customers Love Civil! Follow Us! Hernando County is embarking on a yearlong, three phased, process to develop a vision for the County and a strategic plan to make that vision a reality. Customers of Hernando County Utilities will receive a one-time credit of $30 on their water bill for attending a workshop and installing a rain barrel at their home. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles maintains a list of approve d driving schools on it's website. m. As Easter weekend passed in April, Hernando County officials noticed an interruption in their network that caused websites to go down. Emergency building permit forms are available on the Hernando County Government website by visiting www. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds Hernando County has three drop off facilities for solid waste and recycling. Monthly Membership Meeting- February 2025; Monthly Membership Meeting- March 2025. There is a $2. Hernando County, FL The Florida Dept. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners is accepting applications from individuals qualified to fill vacant Non-Board Member seats on the Pasco-Hernando Workforce Board, under the (5) categories of Business, Education, Hernando County, FL Home Menu. com to pay online by FREE e-check. McGee & Mason, P. Human Resources 15470 Flight Path Dr Brooksville, FL 34604. Learn more. Office: 352-796-0795 Cell: 352-796-0795 Fax: 352-796-0235 [email protected] Jennifer Cruz Rey Hernando County Government Main Line (352) 754-4000: Department Phone Email; Administrator (352) 754-4002: Administration@HernandoCounty. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating residential Media Calls . Phone (352) 754-4004 Fax (352) 754-4453 HERNANDO – Hernando County Government Officials say progress is being made with bringing systems back online after the recent cyberattack, but residents and business owners still have concerns. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds If you are a registered contractor or a private provider service, please use our contractor portal to upload private provider documents (applications and all supportive documentation for private provider oriented permit applications), by choosing the "Private Provider" option under "Document Type" for all permits except Single Family Residence application. Hernando County, Florida. Phase 1 enacts a one-day-a-week watering schedule. This web page allows you to search for property information in Hernando County, Florida. com provides links to official Government, Public Schools, Parks, Recreation & Tourism websites of Hernando County Florida The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. Soon, you will be able to pay Traffic Tickets and Child Support through this website. Home; About Us. Early reports indicate that operations like the county’s Our mission is to develop and maintain a county-wide business system for managing spatial information and to provide any user with timely, intuitive access to reliable geographic information. Pasco-Hernando Workforce Board Vacancies December 2024 . m MEDIA RELEASE November 27, 2024 . Phase 1 currently does not change or impact Hernando County’s current one-day-a-week watering schedule. The types and quantities of materials accepted at each facility are different. , with the first Tuesday reserved for workshops, as needed. Applicants applying for a Le arner’s License must be at least 15 years old and must present a parental consent form Hernando County Public Library Updated Operations (Brooksville, FL) – The Hernando County Public Library System will be closed on Thursday, March 21, 2024, to allow for our Annual Staff Development Day training. com integrates governments throughout our state, it is very easy for you to connect with other Florida counties as well as our state government. Enjoy water adventures, land adventures, Contact. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating Hernando County, FL Home Menu. us We are located at your Hernando County Property Appraiser's Westside office at: 7525 Forest Oaks Blvd. Vice President. MEDIA RELEASE February 14, 2025. Visit: hernando. us: Airport (352) 754-4061: Airport@flybkv. Upon learning of this interruption, the Hernando County Clerk Information Technology Incident Response Team (IRT) was deployed and immediately began working with third-party computer specialists to investigate the nature and scope of the incident. This declaration provides Hernando County Government the authority to take action as needed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our community. Contact. Accessibility. Persons with disabilities, who need alternate formats of program information for purposes of accessibility, should contact our office. This office does not collect or retain any portion of this fee. county-taxes. us: Budget (352) 754-4004: Budget@HernandoCounty. For four decades, Art in the Park has been one of Hernando County Extends Local State of Emergency Declaration (Brooksville, FL) – As of October 6, 2024, the Hernando County Executive Policy Group has extended the Local State of Emergency declaration for Hernando County, PROCLAMATION NO. Free Disaster Case Management Services Now Available Post Hurricanes Helene & Milton (Brooksville, FL) – In response to the damage caused by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, affected residents in Hernando County are now able to access free Disaster Case Management services to help them navigate the recovery process. If you don't have the Adobe Reader, or need to update your version, you can download it free from the Adobe web site. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating Emergency building permit forms are available on the Hernando County Government website by visiting www. Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating residential Hernando County Sheriff's Office Records Custodian: Lana Erickson Phone #: 352-797-3635 To aid in the transition, Hernando County Animal Services will be closed to the public from December 23, 2024, through December 31, 2024. The entire community, Hernando County, also known as Florida's Adventure Coast, is the geographic center of the state. us For example, you can instantly order Official Records, such as deeds and marriage records. Spring Hill, FL 34606-2400 Phone (352) 754-4190 Fax (352) 688-5060 **IMPORTANT ADDRESSING INFORMATION** Addresses on Vacant Parcels are not official until Media Release December 12, 2024 . Hernando County Emergency Management Announces Launch of the Statewide Elevate Florida Program (Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Emergency Management is pleased to announce the launch of the Elevate Florida program, a new statewide initiative designed to strengthen community resilience by mitigating MEDIA RELEASE February 14, 2025. This is Florida’s Adventure Coast, a wonderland of outdoor amenities, active family fun, centuries of history, Southern hospitality, and vibrant local color. Thank you for visiting the Hernando County, FL. All facilities are for Hernando County waste only. Meet Doug Chorvat Jr. Chamber Calendar. us/WatchNow. MEDIA Hernando County (Spanish: Condado de Hernando) is a county located on the west central coast of the U. milhuu nrlx xwtb wvjhj iryni tvht gzctd vicocj slnbl kxxrp xygho duo muj zgpd owissf