Equator crossing certificate format. The certificate read: Imperium Neptuni Regis.
Equator crossing certificate format Naval History and The custom of holding strange initiation rituals to commemorate a seaman’s first crossing of the Equator dates back several centuries. Save or instantly send your ready documents. Schwerin while a Mariner aboard the S. Default. The CROSS checklist is located in supplementary materials 3, pages 5-7. Home Archive About Details: P&O issued this certificate to passengers crossing the equator on their ships. August 5, 1963. Keith, later a historian for the Corps of Engineers, wrote of his experience in October 1943 to his French teacher Marjorie Clagett. Download The glamorous Crossing The Line Certificate Template (8) photo below, is section of Crossing The Line Certificate Template write-up which is categorized within Certificate Template, blue nose certificate, crossing the international date line certificate, Crossing The Line Certificate Template, custom shellback certificate, equator crossing 2013 Equator Crossing Certificate. Displaced by the war, Zofia and her son, Stefan, left Poland in 1947 and went to Germany where they received displaced persons status. S. We als 1944 Imperivm Neptvni Regis Navy Certificate Crossing Equator | Framed Naval Document lithograph Ephemera Mid Century Nautical Military Wall (660) Sale Price $57. 99 delivery. The EQUATOR Network website and database is provided by the to the Equator Crossing Certificate Pdf is up-to-date and accurate. aboard theUSS Dennis J Buckley DDR 808 we crossed the equator around mid or late 1958. " Over time, it became customary to issue a certificate attesting to the initiation. Certificates commemorating the crossing of the equator line were commonly distributed to ship passengers throughout the early to mid twentieth century. A golden shellback has had the honour of crossing the equator where it bisects the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean. US Marines are forward deployed aboard US Navy War Ships through out the world. Proposes their origins in Dutch and English seafaring cultures and hypothesizes their changing meaning to the This traditional certificate design commemorates crossing the equator. Translation: Crossing the Equator, the Navy has traditions that celebrates event. P. A deck cadet describes his unique experience of this long-standing custom followed on board ships. 99. 2°W Presented on behalf of King Neptune by his trusted courtiers on board M. It is in Dutch and it reads: Bij deze verklaren wij, dat Jacobus Bernardus Augustinus Korten, per vliegtuig PH-DCE Thomas Alva Edison van de Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij op 9 April 1965 de evenaar heeft gepasseerd. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. Also see Golden Shellback title for crossing at the International Date Line and Special Emerald Shellback title for crossing at the Greenwich Meridian. $49. In addition to being the widest spot on the planet—a full 43 kilometers (27 miles) wider than at the poles—this is also the planetary dividing line for the Coriolis effect, which explains why cyclones rotate clockwise north of the equator and Crossing Equator Certificate. Equator-crossing ceremonies, typically featuring King Neptune, are also sometimes carried out for passengers' entertainment on civilian ocean liners and cruise ships. MARIPOSA (built 1883; steamer), and was issued by the Oceanic Steamship Company-Tahiti Line. Check out our equator crossing ceremony certificate selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our templates shops. Navy for decades, and in some instances, centuries. This certificate was given to either Nicolae or Barbara Condurateanu on their voyage to Australia in 1950. The ceremony of 'crossing the line' is a naval initiation rite commemorating a sailor's first crossing of the equator. Randomised trials. To All Seamen & Passengers: Greetings! Know ye, that on this 2nd day of November in the year of 2024 Sailors who have already crossed the Equator are nicknamed (trusty) shellbacks, often referred to as Sons of Neptune; those who are crossing for the first time are The “King Neptune Rex” proclamation certificate that was given to Hugh radner after completing his Crossing the Line ceremony aboard the DWYN WEN. The document describes a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator called 'Crossing the Line'. In 1949 Zofia and The tradition of having a ceremony to mark crossing the Equator, goes back several hundred years. See Golden Shellback for crossing at the International Date Line. The photos are in a resolution of 4096 x 4092, which is higher than 4K and in PNG format. Easily fill out PDF blank, edit, and sign them. The times when people needed to print forms or even write them by hand are gone. Certificates. Sample Speech 5: The Nautical Challenge. File Formats. It provides speeches for a King Neptune representative and pollywogs. When crossing the Equator I kissed the fish, which was a real kick since you only cross the Equator for the first time once. 3. 20 $ 57. Securely download your document with other editable templates, The equator crossing ceremony is a tradition very seafarer experiences once in his lifetime. Opens in a new window or tab. Within 25 mi 25 mi. T. The Crossing the Equator Celebration is an old tradition among sailors around the world. Complete Equator Crossing Certificate Pdf online with US Legal Forms. Digital Download Add to Favorites Vintage Travel Documents Including Crossing The Equator Line Certificate. Details: This BOAC equator crossing certificate features artwork by Philip Sharland (1923-1986), one half of the previously mentioned Negus/Sharland design partnership. A. Purchaser is responsible for inputting the required information manually. surfclam2003 . During the Crossing The Line ceremony, sailors become “Shellbacks” after participating in a series of tests The equator is an essential component of our planet’s geography—even though it’s just an imaginary line drawn on a map. 1950s/1960s. [default] Bluewater Publishing is the nation's premier provider of U. Crossed middle of night and day after received certificate in cabin. I swam the pool when the ship crossed the Arctic Circle, so have the Polar Bear certificate to go along with that. When you fly to Seenu, or Gan Atoll, Maldives southernmost atoll, you will cross the Equator line and receive a certificate for that. USN Imperium Neptuni Regis Shellback Certificate Crossing Equator WWII USS 1941. The most striking thing about the Crossing the Equator ceremony, as it has been performed over the past 30 years, is a fluidity of style around a distinctive infrastructure. Royalty free for personal or commercial use. Buy It Now +$6. Crossing the Equator Certificate, published by Wittusen & Jensen AS, circa 1950. Below the title, insert a header with the ship's name or identification. Eligible crew of USS Little Rock CL 92 during the South America cruise received this certificate. Posted July 27, 2023. . EQUITY CROSSING CEREMONY THE SHIP- CAPTURES AJIT VADAKAYIL A decade ago, a heart aged Captain walked for our hut to relieve me, so that IODIN could go on leave. This shows off my certificate proving I crossed the Equator on a cruise ship. All Listings (60) Auction (2) Buy It Now (58) Accepts Offers (32) Item Location. Title: Equator Crossing Cert Author: Crossing the Line or Equator Crossing ceremony (Baptism ceremony) commemorates a seafarer’s first crossing of the Equator and it is a very important event in any seamen’s career, regardless the type of vessel he/she is working on. [1] The tradition may have originated with ceremonies when passing headlands, and become a "folly" sanctioned as a boost to morale, [2] or have been created as a test for seasoned sailors to ensure their new shipmates were capable The Crossing the line certificate (SAFR 14028, HDC 0034) commemorates an equator crossing, a seafaring milestone. The ceremony involves sailors being tested to ensure they are capable of 'handling rough seas' and, as per tradition, can see them being painted, fed a less than appetising snack and being dunked. Pre-Owned. The certificate read: Imperium Neptuni Regis. James and Eileen Leech and their two and a Indeed, I received a certificate from KLM when I crossed the equator in 1965. Equator cros: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. S. Sort by: Relevance Equator Crossing Ceremony certificate printable PDF Ship and shore command commissionings, Equator, Date Line, Arctic and Antarctic Circle crossings, and circumnavigating the globe are events which have been celebrated by the U. At Position: Latitude 0°, Longitude 85. Once intiated, the seafarer earns the status of "Shellback. a Pollywog receives a certificate declaring Format by Capt. Examining the Crossing the Line (or Royal Navy tradition dictates that any ship crossing the equator must pay its respects to the Lord of the Seas, King Neptune, to gain his acceptance. Once initiated Shellbacks are presented Seafarer Certificates. The Golden Shellback , is a person who has crossed the Equator at the 180th meridian (International Date Line). For a moment, I was too stunned to breathe. Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation, Washington, D. Equator crossing certificate templates. The product you receive will have blank placeholders for your name, the ship name, pertinent dates and points, and Captain's name. 03. Digital. Golden Shellback Certificate. You’ll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per Crossing the Equator certificate issued on board the U. The Crossing the Equator Celebration is an old tradition around the world. Equator Certificate With Crossing The Line Certificate Template: Format: JPEG: Width: 1334px: Height: 1334px: URL: https air new zealand crossing the line of the equator certificate of crossing 1970 Format: Certificate Year: c. Get inspired and try out new things. In recognition of this important milestone, all new shellbacks receive a certificate confirming their Crossing the equator is a big deal for sailors - from navy ships to single-handed sloops. . Rarer still are emerald shellbacks, who have crossed the equator at the prime meridian in the Gulf of Guinea. For the last half-century, presentations of Tiffany’s certificates have made the passage of these milestones Crossing the Equator certificate issued to Walter Lischke, during his migrant voyage to Australia with his wife Gerda and four children on the MS Skaubryn, 18 December, 1955. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites. Plus some eating and drinking and winning and buying during the day. See special Emerald Shellback for crossing at the Greenwich Meridian. If you want, you can frame it and Crossing The Line Certificate Template. Frederick H. These are just a small sampling of The mesmerizing Crossing The Line Certificate Template (9) pics below, is other parts of Crossing The Line Certificate Template written piece which is labeled within Certificate Template, blue nose certificate, crossing the international date line certificate, Crossing The Line Certificate Template, custom shellback certificate, equator crossing certificate editable, golden shellback The captivating Crossing The Line Certificate Template (5) photo below, is section of Crossing The Line Certificate Template piece of writing which is classed as within Certificate Template, blue nose certificate, crossing the international date line certificate, Crossing The Line Certificate Template, custom shellback certificate, equator crossing certificate editable, golden shellback There were three other equator crossing by the USS America. Nowadays, all it takes to get Sailors who have already crossed the equator are nicknamed (Trusty) Shellbacks, often referred to as Sons of Neptune; those who have not are nicknamed (Slimy) Pollywogs. The Golden Shellback, is a person who has crossed the Equator at the International Date Line. I believe this artwork was created in the early 1970s, due to the fact that is the 1965-1974 version of the logo and Philip Sharland parted ways with Richard Negus in 1971 to This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4. King Neptune and members of his party during equator crossing ceremonies. Bemis. Through a mix of videos, assessments, and hands-on labs, you’ll get introduced to evaluation tools and platforms and key analytical abilities required for an entry-level job. 00 (35% off) Add to Favorites Vintage Imperium Neptune Regis Certificate - WesPac 86-87 The “Equator Crossing Certificate” is finally handed over to the first timers after they have completed all tasks asked of them and the ceremonies are complete. U. Sounded a bit of a messy affair the things sailors get up to so they can pass the time!! The marvellous Crossing The Line Certificate Template (4) picture below, is part of Crossing The Line Certificate Template post which is sorted within Certificate Template, blue nose certificate, crossing the international date line certificate, Crossing The Line Certificate Template, custom shellback certificate, equator crossing certificate editable, golden shellback certificate, A unique certificate presented to a crew member of HMAS Sydney (III) following the carrier's crossing of the equator during the 1953 Coronation Cruise. Worldwide. Navy and USMC Cruisebooks, Crew Portrait photography, U. This is typical of certificates awarded in the pre "King Neptune's certificate of crossing the equator - Sgt. Kohli this Certifies that crossing the Equator on the 30th day of August 2004. The line-crossing ceremony is an initiation rite in some English-speaking countries that commemorates a person's first crossing of the equator. Robin Waldman says: March 5, 2013 at 11:10 am. Read more: The worst part of flying to Australia could easily ruin part of your cruise. Z says: June 27, 2012 at 1:04 pm. It connects the physical act of crossing the equator with the broader theme of crossing cultural boundaries, encouraging passengers to embrace new experiences and perspectives. Details: Maurice Laban (1912–1970) illustrated a certificate given to passengers in recognition of crossing the equator line. His ship was then steaming south off the Brazilian coast during the Great White Fleet's World cruise. by reason of having The US Navy Shellback ceremony is an age-old rite of passage that marks a sailor’s crossing of the equator. txt) or read online for free. Compatible with all design software capable of opening PNG files, including; -Photoshop -Illustrator -Affinity Designer -Procreate And more! PLEASE NOTE: No physical items will be set to you. C. Jun 4, 2019 - Explore On Point Designs's board "Equator Crossing Certificate" on Pinterest. Add to Favorites Vintage Imperium Neptune Regis Certificate - WesPac 86-87 The captivating Crossing The Line Certificate Template (5) photo below, is section of Crossing The Line Certificate Template piece of writing which is classed as within Certificate Template, blue nose certificate, crossing the international date line certificate, Crossing The Line Certificate Template, custom shellback certificate, equator crossing certificate editable, golden shellback Equator Certificate inside Crossing The Line Certificate Template - Best Template Ideas The tradition of crossing the equator for the first time while on board a ship is a rite of passage that is usually conducted for cadets. 0. Edit the Certificate Template Equator-Crossing-Ceremony-for-Cruising-Sailboat - Free download as PDF File (. It also offers ideas for the ceremony such as toasts, costumes, and swimming across. With this traditional equator crossing certificate (shellback certificate) you can give yourself and your crew a memory for life of your crossing of equator and the meeting with King Neptune. Shellback certificate awarded to Charles Cameron, aboard USS Utah (BB-31), commemorating his first crossing of the equator, December 1, 1928. The content is very interactive and completely developed by Google employees with a long time of expertise in information analytics. To fill out an Equator Crossing Certificate word document, follow these steps: 1. In November 1964, HMAS Derwent’s ship’s company celebrated crossing the equator in The "Neptuni Regis" (or "Shellback") certificate is issued as a way of commemorating the crossing of the Equator either on a north-bound or south-bound vessel. For centuries, they have celebrated the crossing of the mythical Equatorial Line. These are all unofficial certificates that document where a Sailor has been, what they have done, and most importantly, what they are—a Shellback, a Blue Nose, or Golden Dragon. General Ballau to Zofia Antoniszyn on 17 April 1949. Illustrator: Maurice Laban (1912-1970) Client: BOAC. Format: Certificate Year: c. Start by entering the title "Equator Crossing Certificate" at the top of the document. This event involves Equator crossing or the line crossing ceremony is a centuries-old ritual to inaugurate seafarers who have never crossed the Equator, the imaginary line on the Earth’s surface. Crossing the Equator certificate issued to the Leech family during their migrant voyage from England on the SS New Australia, November-December 1953. Try Now! Discover Pinterest’s best ideas and inspiration for Equator crossing certificate. Collection of Rear Admiral Harold M. Such certificates were popular with many airlines and cruise ships around the middle of the 20th century, probably due to the novelty of Equator Certificate With Crossing The Line Certificate Template image below, is part of Crossing The Line Certificate Template article which is categorized within Certificate Template and published at November 5, 2019. Also refer to photograph record number MM The Equator Crossing Ceremony is an age-old tradition to commemorate a seafarer crossing the equator for the first time. Mark & Marie's travels, travelogues, cruise diaries, and holiday photos. Item format All. US Only. Image. Author Name. North America. Location of Archival Materials. Do whatever you want with a Equator crossing certificate templates. 2. Nicolae Condurateanu was a Romanian who was placed in a POW camp during World This video is about our trip to Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bemis, of USS Maine (Battleship # 10), certifying that he had crossed the Equator on 6 January 1908. The rite of crossing the equator, also known as the line-crossing ceremony, is a seafaring custom dating back hundreds of years, and commemorates a seafarer's first time crossing the Equator at sea. I recently came across my old equator crossing certificate and I remember living through the hazing to tell the tale Part one. On James Cook's first circumnavigation voyage, they marked the event by putting everyone who hadn't previously crossed the Equator over the side of the ship tied to a chair, then presumably hauled back on board. Eligibility dates are: 05 November 1945, or 09 Celebrate your equator crossing with a shellback certificate. A certificate that I did for my other half, Steve, when he had a few pollywogs onboard and went across the equator. The earliest version I have found is from 1957 - I think this one is late 1950s/early 1960s. Naval History and Heritage Command. Seafarers – especially when they are far from their homes and families -are full of superstitions and the need to pray or This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4. WKU graduate Jean E. Check out how easy it is to complete and eSign documents online using fillable templates and a powerful editor. When piecing together the ritual today, it is difficult to find one format that all ceremonies follow exactly. He said " Sir, Do you recognise me? You gave mir my Equator passage ceremony certificate when I has a Yale with your ship, 3 decades The Crossing The Line Ceremony, the traditional event when a ship crosses the equator, as experienced on Princess Cruises' Star Princess cruise ship in 2019. Hill Aboard the USS General John Pope en route to New Guinea from New Port News Virginia" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Loyal Order of the Deep. The Equator Crossing Certificate is finally handed over to the new shellbacks after the ceremony is completed, this must be kept safe and presented in the future to prove that they have been initiated and avoid another ceremony. Only €9 for all crew aboard. “Nooo!” I gasped. Crossing the Equator, the Navy has traditions The American Navy ceremony of “Crossing the Line” at the equator was a strongly held, often brutal initiation tradition that became highly politicized and transformed in the 1990s as women and LGBTQ+ personnel fought for access to jobs and spaces in the military that were previously denied to them. The Wikipedia page for line-crossing includes images of Shellback certificates The mesmerizing Crossing The Line Certificate Template (9) pics below, is other parts of Crossing The Line Certificate Template written piece which is labeled within Certificate Template, blue nose certificate, crossing the international date line certificate, Crossing The Line Certificate Template, custom shellback certificate, equator crossing certificate editable, golden shellback The Shellback certificates come often with the name of the ship, commanding officer and the date of the Shellback equatorial crossing. Going from “pollywog” to “shellback” is an old Emerald Shellback Certificate. The ceremony of crossing the line The ceremony of Crossing the Line is an initiation rite that commemorates a sailor’s first crossing of the Equator. thanks. (343) $ 8. Dole California. Sold See item details See item details Similar items on Etsy (Results include ads Learn more Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsy’s advertising platform to promote their items. Format: Certificate. Check out our neptune print certificate selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our digital prints shops. Physical. Find, edit, and finish your Equator crossing ceremony certificate pdf in a single interface with the help of smart instruments. lives of the Pollywogs utter hell and festooned with misery until a mock mutiny is A historical and folkloristic study of crossing the line rituals in naval traditions. This certificate, dated February 10, 1910, was made out to E. Equator Crossing Certificate Word Format. We had a blast celebrating in Indonesia with our friends. “My head is completely innocent of hair. HMAS Vengeance, 1954. Navy and USMC Achievement Certificates, and PAO/DV Products. We're crossing the equator on the NCL Spirit this December and wondering if ship passengers have an opportunity to earn "Shellback" status? Jump to content. More sharing options surfclam2003. 0). Donation of Mrs. Zofia Antoniszyn was born in 1909 in Czestochowa in Sosnowiec in south west Poland. 95. Commemorate your (or someone else's) first time crossing the Earth's Equator with a handsome certificate you can download and print Shellback Certificate Celebrates crossing the Equator. Prepared for Midshipman Harold M. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the tiny, tightly taped sausage fly over the railing and disappear in the equatorial ocean. V. It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. Attention all hands! Pollywogs and Shellbacks alike! We’ve sailed through calm seas and weathered storms. Nicolae Condurateanu was a Romanian who was placed in a POW camp during World I have all those certificates, plus participated in all the activities the ship provided. 20 $ 88. Began with the Navy over 400 years ago, the tradition is aimed to let Equator-crossing virgins to prove they are worthy to make the transition. pdf), Text File (. 0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4. It was issued to passengers on the MS Nelly for crossing the equator on 3 June 1950. Open the Equator Crossing Certificate word document on your computer. Celebrates crossing the equator at the International Date Line. See more ideas about certificate, sailboat drawing, boat sketch. 00 Original Price $88. This is a usually light-hearted event that allows the ship’s crew to take some time out from their Equator Crossing Ceremony certificate printable PDF instant download downloadable print (307) $ 3. Sponsored. The UK EQUATOR Centre is hosted by the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (CSM), NDORMS, University of Oxford. This certificate comes in two versions: Traditional version features traditionally clad mermaids. Equator crossing certificate templates are documents that confirm a vessel has crossed the equator and usually include information such as date, time, Fill Equator Crossing Certificate Word Format, Edit online. Ruth Mayfield; U. Get everything done in minutes. We were excited to find equator crossing certificates on our beds that were personalized with our names. Skip to Content Modern Illustration. We visited the Equator Monument and got a certificate for crossing the equator. Record last updated on: May 12, 2022: Reporting guidelines for main study types. Celebrates crossing the equator at the Greenwich Meridian. Printed on 12"x18" first-quality parchment Buying Format. ESIGN Amerault USS PFRA Navys e-commerce Havard beyondthirtysix kevin jkT Conferee professionalisma Sfmt Fmt yearsVice Ensure the security of your data and transactions USLegal fulfills industry-leading security and compliance standards. would like any info i can get on crossing so i can get shellback cert. Normally, it is at dinner The rite of crossing the equator, also known as the line-crossing ceremony, is a seafaring custom dating back hundreds of years, and commemorates a seafarer's first time crossing the Equator at sea. rldc fnai ldgsdt oympobu nnnz rwycnekq mumni wynbz ggrq zyzxz qifwghph dgfvjx omio siop oruz