1g tren a week 5mg cabaser m/f Weeks 4-16 250iu's hcg m/t I'd run the necessary stuff like cycle support and such. Mental sides. /week of Test. Havent used Anadrol so cant comment upon that. Abused steroids for 5-6 years straight in my 20s and been on trt (120 mg/week) for the last 5 years. Worst side was aggression. Archived post. Reply reply I did Tren at 1g per week for 14 weeks this year and did Tren at 1gram per week last year,also 14 wks. Love it. Thats probably your first cycle ever. especially with BB/Steroid related forums; seeing a typical cycle of 700tren, 1g test, 1eq + orals wasn't anything major, so somewhere around 2-3g's of combined anabolics was a staple for many. I will come off the tren in 1 week, and the prop a week after that. I feel fine with the high Tren and low test. seeing rapid gains, no heartburn, no insomnia. *I’ve since increased my Tren to 80mg EOD and like the way that feels. You then have brought concentration up to your desired amount and go back to 500mg. I love it and don't see why I would ever stop. I like 1g Tren A and 150mg Test E EW since I cruise. Personally, I would run Test and Deca at equal amounts. If u arent doing literally 1 KILO gram of tren, per week u wont see real efficacy. Now maybe no deca at all but I would think if your pushing hard on tren , test, dbol, as a professional I’d think the deca would help with the joints. TLDR: the t3 + clen wont make that much of a difference in terms of heat when added on top of the tren. GL and stay safe mate. 📩 Automatically receive MPMD articles when they are published: http://bit. I've been on 1g Tren-e and 250mg Test-e for a month now and ran Tren-a 700mg before that for like half a year. 75mcg t3 per day For eight weeks. I am not to be fucked with at that dose. Wanted to see what I got off of low dose, only 2. 2g test & 600 eq (I throw in tren e sometimes at 400-600mg week but you do not have to) to be the perfect off season cycle (not including slin, gh, peps). Starting November I'll just be Running 140 pharma test/week, 280 mast/week, and ~1 mg methyl tren a day (tried 600 mcg at first, went up to 1. Did 4 cycles in total. Ran Tren for last 4 weeks only. Dont care what I have to take or how much it costs, I just want to If money isn't an option run tren for at least 12 weeks at 100mg a day if you can handle it and keep your test low at around 300-400/week but use test prop I 10-week transformation. However, if you’re a poor responder to the Tren hormone you’ll want the Acetate version in your system. Three weeks into For years, I was doing about 250mg. 1 Litre of tren administered throughout the day, once a week via an intravenous drip bag is ideal, although not for begginers. when I would cycle. Eat 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight 4. if you use 1000mg a week when 600 would give you gains then quicker than you should, 1000mg a week will no longer work and you will need 1200, 1400 etc. Thursday 1 x 250mg test / 1 x 150mg tren e; AI (Aromatise inhibitor) Weeks 12 – 14 PCT; More Experienced Tren E Cycle. 4ml tren ace per day. Share Sort by: Wtf are you trying to do man with 1g/w cycle that a lot of fuking gear for anyone let alone a 22yo. Im currently on a 12-16 week cycle of 500mg PW Test-E + 100mg Tren-A EOD as im on HRT inbetween cycles I was thinking of just running my Test for a couple of months at 1g PW after I drop the Tren, the only thing putting me off is this is my "second" cycle and I dont want to bump up the test and not be able to grow again off 500mg PW What do you guys think will I For me, I find running 1g-1. what do you think? might add som dbol for kickstart and winny for the last weeks. I have ran: 1) 1g of test prop (14 weeks) 2) ended a 16 week 700mg test prop run with 1. 5 weeks in. the more u use, the higher the dose you will need in the future to yield results. I know more then a few of you have done a gram or more per week of test on cycle. Caber. Then a couple of years ago, I increased that to 500mg/week of Test. Both times had the same results and sides. png. EOD means 7 shots in 14 days so: 200x7=1400mg = total NPP in 2 weeks 1400:2= 700 = total NPP in 1 week. I’m going to run some tren here in the next few weeks and wanted to ask a few questions. Low Tren Dosage: My first post “continuous cycle question”, I was running 1g test 1g eq 1g tren 10IU hgh 17-20 weeks. I did try tren ace though and that shit at 150 weekly gave me like 30 pounds of muscle in about 6 weeks. I'm very sensitive to the heat as well. Pharma grade asin was getting expensive for how much I needed. 2g test, 1g tren and 900 EQ for the last six weeks of my bulk. Side effects: Anger; Sweats; Emotional Interesting to see that he didn’t get any side effects running 300mg per week. 1g on week two it's 500mg active compound. will be using hcg thoughout from week 3 + adex and caber low dose. 500/210/50. My training partner has always used roughly a 1:1 ratio, currently on 1g test 1g tren. Stick to the same workout routine for atleast 6 weeks 3. Assuming you do a 16 week cycle, this is what I suggest: Week 1-5 Dbol 25mg ED (since you're already considering it) Week 1-16: Test E, 500-600mg/wk Week 1-14: Deca 500-600mg/wk Tren is best short ester 50mg-150mg ED with MAYBE 300mg Test Per week NO MORE and usually less. Amazing gains only after 6 weeks with the last shot of 1g tapering off, alongside other meds of course. I started HCG 3x week at 500iu 2 years ago and my wife got pregnant last year. Now I know people attribute acid reflux with tren, This is my second cycle, first one was supposed to be 500mg a week frontloaded with 1g for two weeks but that just turned into 1g Im on 350 test, 100 tren now. 25g test a week 600mg eq 600mg tren 10 Iu gh Ghrp 6 with every meal Dbol 50mg Anavar 50mg So much hunger, so much gains I wouldn't even care about any other compounds, also I don't like slin. I am doing gear from last 3 years. I got my hands on some QV Tren 75mg/ml X 10ml I was wondering how much a week should you run it75mg a week?also how long between injections?. your body does not I have done 800mg tren and 150mg test and still ended up on 1mg adex 3 times PW by week 8 with caber, the body holds water in the mid section, i think your trying to stop a natural process of holding water in the mid section if the fat is already there around your waist, if the fat isnt there it is far less noticeable holding a bit of water there. I didnt use any AI until end of week 7-8. stevieboy100. The only way you could "blast" Tren E is with a massive frontload. Im on TRT for life. Add some insulin too post training with some HGH and your set Any other ideas??! :) Would you go higher test or higher tren? For example: weeks 1-6: 60 MG turinabol day Weeks 1-16: 750 MG of Test Enan week Weeks 1-16: 600 MG of Equipoise week Weeks 1-16: 300 MG of Tren Enan week Or Example 2: Weeks 1-6: 60 MG of Turinabol day Weeks 1-16: 250 Test Enan week Weeks 1-16: 600 MG of Equipoise week. 1g of tren a week. plus even people I know who talk about running 1g plus test and similar doses of deca etc (ie people who push 2g plus on a blast don’t ever seem to go above 600-700 on tren which tells me something. Your diet is what will change youthe gear is just a small boost and more gear does not equal more size. Not sure if it's exactly applicable since I was trying to gain, but I ran 1. 1 MB Views: 206. I wouldn’t Nope, it's exactly 700mg per week every week. Strength is through the roof, everything is bigger and harder, and I mean everything. I hope it helped and please ask away if you have any more questions! What are your goals? From what i know you can achieve everything that 100mgs of tren would give you from using other compounds. I don’t want to wait for prolactin sides so I’m taking it from One cycle I ran for a competition that stands out to me was 300 mg/week Tren, 300 mg/week test prop, and 300 mg/week oil based Winstrol for 8 weeks. Might just be me, I ran 100mg of Tren Ace and 400mg Test twice per week along with 100mg of Prop EOD for 4 weeks to kick start it and tbh I've stayed the same weight but just got more lean and obv cut fat. at 3 mg/ml, this stuff is also an excellent cut for painful gear. I started 30mg Superdrol exactly 2 weeks ago as well, i will be on that for another week. Reactions: goodfella, NbleSavage and Seeker. Was the reason I broke up with my ex. I've found that I aromatize like a bitch if I go above 400mg a week so I'm just keeping my test low so I don't have to worry about my nips. I've been on a pretty heavy 1g+ test plus 1g tren/week cycle for a good few months now and think the best thing to do is to cruise to set myself up for another bulk. 1g was pretty magical in terms of composition changes. 1g for 2 weeks 3) 1g of test e for 24 weeks. Same with my tren cycle, I was running close to 100mg QD for over two weeks. First cycle gained 10lbs, lost nothing on cruise. Reply reply First time using 1g of Test (Test E) and used Tren Hex 2cc a week. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. People really overreact when it comes to Tren. Tren is five time as anabolic and five times as androgenic as test. goal is to gain as much lean mass as possible 1g-1. Weeks 1-16: 400 MG of Tren If you are still getting good results off of the doses you are taking then there is no reason to take more. What are your votes on the best combo available for pure off season size and strength? I would shoot for 50mg DBol a day, 300mg tren a week and 1g of test. thats it, ive talked myself into quick 4 week tren binge Running 1G tren E & 250mg Test E/week. I was on 1g for 2 weeks amazing results at that dosage, i'd be prepared to go higher though just to see really. so that’s my cruise and some tren to keep me lean. I literally eat anything and everything in site. Last year, I put that up to 750mg/week for about 6 weeks in the middle of my 12 week cycle and then on my last cycle that started last December, I ran 1,000mg/week for about 6 weeks in the middle of my 12 week cycle. I get side effects at all doses, even as low as 100mg per week. /week 900 mg Deca/week 900 mg Tren E. 2g test 200 tren. I was eating 5. IMO more is defo better up to a point then you have to think about sides outwaying the gains been upto 2g test amongst other things in the past and gained well now after a good detox I sit at around 1g test in my stack and have to say on one of my experiments over about 20 weeks built up from 300mg tren ace a week to 2. I am also on 50mg Winny ED . I have a full head. Eat 1g of How to build a juicy shelf following 4 tips: 1. I kickstarted with d-bol for first 3 weeks. Test can be your base and the eq can provide keep your appetite up and increase your strength. Then upwards of 700mg I just become nasty, angry, paranoid, agitated the lot. Used DC's Test and Tren Hex and PureAnabolic (No Exuses). I’d also like to point out that I had muscle memory from when I was around 188 lbs at 16 (I’m 25 now). 1g Test E for 12 weeks 2. Being the same size, I ran almost 1g of test a week and got no more results than 500mg per week. Save Share It's expensive but depends on your situation of course, I ran 1g for 10 weeks last time, been making gains still 4 weeks after last shot. I’m going to stay on top of the blood work to see how the tren affects it in general. I'm just looking for some opinions on it, gains, losses, pretty much just experiences on one of my experiments over about 20 weeks built up from 300mg tren ace a week to 2. 5 days a few years ago and had every classic Tren side effect; no sleep, profusely sweating, crazy thoughts and toward the end my dick not working (prolactin was high). Keep to 1g Reply reply Steroid and Testosterone information. I just got my test levels this morning and it came back 499. (Unless you're megadosing t3 + clen) 1g tren-e, 560mg tren-a 1g deca, 700mg NPP 600mg mast-e, dropped Mast-p starting today First week I was actually experiencing insomnia and some headache/lethargy after my second injection of the day. 2mg cjc 1295 dac ew. Nandrolone makes me grow much better than tren does and even with pharma test i hardly grow. 1g of Tren per week for two weeks. along with 1g test and 150mg npp 3x per week, and either dbol at 150-200/day or methyltrienolone at 1-2mg/day. I like Npp, but I prefer the tren look with a fucked up stomach than the Npp look with zits all over my chest and shoulders. Tren Ace at 140mg alongside 160mg test was fucking absolute torture. Weeks 1-14 750mg Test E Weeks 1-14 500mg Tren E Weeks 1-4 100mg Tren Ace eod Weeks 1-4 200mg Test prop eod Weeks 1-16 50-75mg Proviron Weeks 1-16 . Test P was at 200-220mg which I later reduced to 175mg/wk. At 1g a week, which I ran for about 4 weeks at the end of my last blast just to see how it would feel, emotional sides get worse, Run 350mg Tren-A per week for 8 weeks, low does test (125mg/wk), have some cabergoline around. So natural test production hasn't been on for 10 years. 2ml test e per week (300mg) 1. Last blast I decided to try 1. I’m going to split my dosage up going forward, splitting the 100mg into 2 pokes a weeks. Lethargy is the main issue along with getting the amount of food in which you need to utilise that amount of gear. I’m 10 weeks instarted with 2 weeks of just the Test E @ 500mg/wk then kicked in the Tren A @ 75mg EOD. 400 tren Weeks 9-16 I have ran Tren E @ 750 mg wk before and the sides were bearable, I'm starting my new cycle monday and it looks like this: 500mg Test 1-16 75mg ED dbol 1-4 1000mg Tren E 8-16 50mg ED winny 12-16 50mg ED Proviron 8-16 I've decided to cruise at 250mg test a week for 10 weeks to give my body a short break. 400mg/wk of tren is the equivalent of TWO GRAMS of test. Hi, Is 150mg of tren ace per week for 6 weeks ok? Going to run it with Test E. I feel a bit more confident perhaps but that’s all to be honest. A friend of mine ran 125 mg Tren A/week for the 6 weeks before a strongman comp where he took first place & went pro. Believe me tren destroyed my mood. Well, for the positive at least since I gained some real nice backne scars on my back from it. 78D83676-2E70-434A-BD7C-AEA2A9484B34. 1g/wk. Tren's reputation for bad sides comes because so many grossly overdose. most I ran was 1g a week, up until 700mg a week I was mellow as you like. 1g tri tren a week. Within 2 weeks of tren I’m shedding like a dog. That shit takes forever to kick in. ly/2mtASGW————————————💊 https://gorillamind. Depending on goals if you used an oral as well that would get you close to 1g a week but i don’t see any reason to have a particular amount of gear that you have to run p/w. Testosterone is the aas standard. 25mg aromasin/day. who here believes in keeping tren dose higher than test? in the past i have run 400-600mgs of tren a week and test was 800-1000, . Insomnia at week 2. . 500mg Test E + 500mg Tren E for 12 weeks? Based on past experiences you guys have had, I know everybody is different. I think I need my doses to be higher, like i regret not bumping my dose of test up to 1g of my At 350mg tren-a a week I'm a bull but up at 525mg a week I'm a serious motherfucker. lets say its a 3rd cycle for someone and main goal is just to harden upalso i have read that tren can be used different waysif you want 100MG mg mg tren ace ed melts fat of me, i love it for bulking as i can eat pretty much what i like and not get fat or starve and still get stronger i respond fantasticly well to tren so some may not get the same results, also the fat loss seems to be dose related edit. 1g Tren E for 12 weeks 3. I did Tren e @ 200mg a week e3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Once a year, I like to “blast” for 12 weeks. This time I am running a larger Test dose -- 1. 1½ weeks in and BOOM, I can sleep anytime and for as long as I please. 2g Enth per week, with 600 Tren Enth. The strongest cycle I ever did was 10 mg Dianabol per day, 300 mg Primo /week, 70 mg of Tren /week for 9 weeks. Been lifting for 17 yrs, hit the big 4-0 this year. Jump to Latest Follow Tren is the hardest compound I’ve ever used on my hairline. Am I superman or is my tren just oil? I think I feel more from 400mg test than this This week we are discussing Nandrolone vs Trestolone. So 1g tren, 1g npp and 300mg test per week, gonna kick it off with 20mg superdrol per For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. 300mg test e + 150mg tren ace every other day ? bear in mind that I have done a cycle of 500mg test e before and i am just wondering if the 300mg test e wont do anything this time as i already used a higher dose. Why in the world would you pin 1 g of tren at age of 15. Mental sides are a difficult situation to contain, nothing can prepare you or change how your mind will react. The phrase "grow into you cycle" really seems to be factual information. My sweet spot is 1g - 1. I'm back home at the weekend and she's gonna be like "something's wrong with you!". 1g test, 500 tren should work good. My last tren cycle was 20 weeks at 1g a week Is it enough to take 400mg of tren enanthate per week 200mg twice a week or should I up to 600mg per week 200mg 3x a week, I will also use 500mg of deca per week same with 1g of testa a week, so stay with 400 tren or up to 600? Smoking 1g of weed per week is too much or can grab problems in the long run? I’m student of Civil Engineer, This has made him so retarded, he has had a stroke on a train because of this, he cant multitask at all and relies on it for everything. Since ur still starting off, I would recommend titrating up by 250 grams per week, so that you'll hit required doseages by your last week. but I've run high Test (3g+) and also high Test (2g), Tren (1g), Mast (1g) etc. No sides. 24/7 heartburn. Lethargy is the main issue along with getting the amount of food in which you need to utilise that Been bulking from 175lbs-205lbs at 700mg-1g tren e-test e a week. 2g + tren than the test alone. Might up dosage to 1400 a week or higher. Mild sides, aggression and strength are up. I would guess about 5X your week dose over a 2-3 day period then carry on your week dose after that. Train your glutes 2-3 times a week 2. So far so good 🤷♂️ This will be my first week at 1g of tren, with 500mg of test E, and the only sides I have gotten are GERD(acid Reflux) and slight insomnia. I'm 2 weeks in on 10 mg day Tren A / Trest A blend , so 5mg each daily . Very curious to these I'm looking to see if anyone's done Tren ace EOD vs ED and if they have any insight on the differences of what to expect on sides. I am 39 now. 100mcg GHRP 2 three times daily. should i increase the the does of tren or test or should i just leave them I am on trt and run very low dose tren (50-75mg/wk) cycles and always love the results. Attachments. 300mg tren ace 3x per week. I ran 75mcg t3 + 1g tren + 120mcg clen and the heat difference between those other chems added in and just the tren is non existant. The joys of Tren I’ve been doing 100mg a week (1 inject/week). ill be switching to injectable winstrol and dropping mast after i finish the vial, just because now Today is the third day i am on 1g of DNP. The deepest longest far fetched dreams I've ever had. I'm obviously no doctor but do what you want with that information And 1g of eq wo t do anything more for you than 4-500mg. 750mg Tren 1g Mast 1g bold and various orals as needed (all high end PL heavily abuse orals) 700mg Tren Two weeks ago I added orals (5 weeks out) 120mg Tbol 120mg Var 75mg Winny 3 weeks out (next few days) I will be dropping Var Although tren gives a more lean muscley look where as Npp gives a more bubbley muscle look. Eat at maintenance +/- 300 calories per day. I'm lucky that the only side effects I get from test are a bit of extra hair I think tren sides are overrated personally but maybe I've just been lucky. I've run high Test (3g+) and also high Test (2g), Tren (1g), Mast (1g) etc. Sweats are starting to proper take the P*** now though. I grew exponentially more on the 1. 2. 900 mg Test E. /week 300 mg Adrol/day pre-workout Even side effect-wise it was a perfectly tolerable cycle. And yeah at 700-1g tren I tend to be one selfish motherfucker. Been trying to get 1g of protein per pound of body weight. Interested - I was thinking running 200mg tren a week for 5 weeks leading to end of cycle/pct . 5 mg, now settled at 1 mg). Test/tren/var. if it sucks, I’m dropping it. Think 750mg/wk or more. 300 likes, 8 comments - grindgirl_fitness on February 20, 2025: "a good problem The worst that could happen if you train legs twice a week, eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight, and lift heavy? You might accidentally step into the ‘territory’ most women are terrified of where you build real curves, lean muscle and a metabolism that actually works for you not Train your glutes 2-3 times a week 2. I'm doing 500 test, 300 tren right now to start off but I'm upping doses eventually, and have put on significant weight. but served no better for size or strength. I run primo or mast in every cycle and tbh I do on cruise often too and zero hair issues not even shedding. above 1g negative sides I'm 11 weeks in 1050 mg tren ace week 175mg test p. anyone ever run 1g test + 600mg tren E or something similar? that's my plan for this summer, test 12wks, tren10. 2k (clean-ish) calories per day, tracked, and could not gain weight for the life of me. That said, main point is they weren't shooting 500-1g of Tren routinely in any form back then. Npp gives me acne but my joints feel great, tren gives me a few bumps but it fucks my stomach up after about 7 weeks. I’m making MUCH better progress with my current cycle 8 wks. I have 200mg weekly of Tren A in my current stack. And 200mg a week of tren is peanuts to many people. If your running test regardless it certainly wouldn't hurt you to do 100mg of your tren for the first few weeks, maybe up the dosage if I do tren E 150mg a week I’m using PSL tren e/test e mix. I am going to run my final two weeks at the 1g tren/ 500 test. This is the 7th week of my cycle. The only exception would be if you are trying to build muscle in a deficit while sub 8% bodyfat. Fuck. Somehow ended up getting turned on by the idea of slutting her out. I usually do 2-400 a week for a cut before a show. I have put on 4 pounds and note strength is up a bit. I don't grow from tren, i do well over 200mg a week with eh results. Usually just take the Test up to 500mg/wk but this time wanted to try some Tren A along with it. If you’re a poor responder and supplementing with Trenbolone Enanthate, even after you discontinue use you’ll have to wait 2-3 weeks for the adverse effects to dissipate. I’m roughly the same weight (184 lbs) in these pics, give or take a few pounds. You need to understand how you feel and act on it then come to terms with it, they are your "demons" per say. I personally will try this time 1g of test a week together with 1g of EQ , Aromasin obviusly will be used as needed, I'm currently running 1050mg Tren a week with ~291mg test a week (125mg e3d). Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. all I care about is myself and the next girl I’d want to bang. This week we are discussing HIGH TEST CYCLES. 5g solo, blast before that one was 1. yet, My current cycle is 1000mg of test e, 20mg of superdrol, 200mg of tren for 12 weeks and superdrol 4 weeks. I read the common debate of run tren higher or test higher, what’s your insight? I was going to do what I always do and run some test Cyp 250mg 2/Wk and Tren ace 100mg EOD. I'm 5'8" 175lbs, so I could lower my trt dose to 125mg per week and still build muscle by training 20hrs per week. Please correct me if I'm wrong lads. I am going to keep my diet in check. 4g of test prop for 2 weeks and then 2. in other words running 1g/TEST+400/TREN is going to produce results that are distinctly different than runnin' 1gTREN+400/TEST . OP, 3 grams!? Must be bunk lol . The reason I capped the injectables off at 900 mg/week is because I've found there to be a sweet spot around the 1G-mark for most injectables. 1. etc. I am also on Test prop / tren 350mg/wk of each. My guess would be he’s taking probably sus deca and tren with dbol oral. OP is this your first cycle? I presume not. Wondering if I can still maintain muscle with a lowered dose of tren so I don't need to fight excess sides during recovery. Just wow, I'm finding I can't wait to sleep to see what the tren comes up. Monday 1 x 250mg test / 1 x 200mg tren e; Currently on this cycle the moment and I wouldnt say that its a mass gain and wouldnt say ur get results in 5 week. I'm guessing if you jabbed 1g week one it's 250mg active compound. These threads are extremely useful as an archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Weeks 1 – 12. Everyone responds differently. about 3 weeks in, one week to go. Sides are more frequent when I start the cycle then my body gets used to it. Meh. Tren seems to also make me break out with body acne much worse than any other compound. 35 year old male who just had a kid. I inject daily because I like doing that, also it’s Tren A; started at 700mg/wk and went up to 1. For bulking you generally want more test than tren. 2g per week I’ve found. 897 posts Do I just increase the test ( been running approx 1g a week) or start with gh or other compounds?. This guy is currently on 1g tren in prep , 300 pounds. com/derek (Gorilla In my third week of 700mg tren a per week and 350 test prop. I looked absolutely 2 x 45 minute LISS cardio sessions, I’m not too Day 12 of an 8 week run of 100mg Tren ace eod + 200mg TRT per week. 4ml npp per day. . changing to tren e and test e soon. Hell, some people go out of range with 150mg a week of test, i am barely in range with 200mg trt script Decided to front load tren E and I’m at currently at 1g for the first week. If you start it at week 5, it won't kick in until around week 9 or 10. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Its been a while since we've had one of these so Im looking to stir up some discussion of HIGH DOSE TEST cycles, 1gram per week and up! Frontloaded with 10ml of tren ace in week 1 also, so 2g in first week. Was better than first run but underwhelming and had bp issues and swore my gf was cheating so I would stalk her and shit. jebswzlkhdgkbtqmhqowuszxpaxrixyttiudxuhazhqmnkmipxzpgzcdmxeoltqubuqzkyqqxkjihv